063 S01 Ep 21 – Developing Leaders for Combat at the Brigade through Corps Echelons w/LTG Stephen Smith

The Crucible - The JRTC Experience Podcast

31-07-2024 • 1 hora

The Joint Readiness Training Center is pleased to present the sixty-third episode to air on ‘The Crucible - The JRTC Experience.’ Hosted by the Commander of Ops Group (COG), COL Matthew Hardman. Today’s guest is the Deputy Commanding General of United States Army Forces Command, Lieutenant General Stephen Smith.

Forces Command is the largest United States Army command and provider of expeditionary, regionally engaged, campaign-capable land forces to combatant commanders. FORSCOM trains and prepares a combat ready, globally responsive total force in order to build and sustain readiness to meet combatant command requirements. The vision of Forces Command is to provide combat ready and globally responsive total Army forces that are well led, disciplined, trained, and expeditionary that will win in a complex world. Its organizations are expeditionary, campaign focused, and tailorable to provide combatant commanders the required capabilities to be decisive across the range of military operations. They have the Hollywood call-sign of “Freedom” and the motto of “Freedom’s Guardian.”

In this episode we discuss the necessity for our leaders and their formations to receive realistic, rigorous, and relevant training for combat across multiple domains as it’s key for success on tomorrow’s battlefields. Specifically, we look at the battalion through corps echelons requirement for such training as it is essential to prepare soldiers for the complexities of modern warfare across multiple domains. Battalions should focus on integrating small unit tactics with real-time intelligence and cyber capabilities, while brigades emphasize combined arms operations and interoperability with joint and coalition forces. Corps-level training should prioritize strategic planning, large-scale maneuver coordination, and multi-domain command and control to ensure dominance in a contested environment.

In testifying to Congress to justify the expense of a large-scale maneuver just prior to our entry into WWII, General George Marshall stated, “My God, Senator, that’s the reason I do it. I want the mistakes down in Louisiana, not over in Europe.” Today we continue this legacy of realistic, rigorous, and relevant training at the DoD’s combat training centers, such as the Joint Readiness Training Center. At home-station, this is done through the divisions managing their intensive training cycles and at the battalion and brigade echelons through becoming predictable, through synchronizing the warfighting functions, and set the conditions for subordinate units to succeed.

Part of S01 “The Leader’s Laboratory” series.

Don’t forget to check-out FORSCOM’s social media pages, their handles are ‘U.S. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM)’ on Facebook, ‘FORSCOM’ on X, and ‘US Army FORSCOM’ on Instagram.

For additional information and insights from this episode, please check-out our Instagram page @the_jrtc_crucible_podcast

Be sure to follow us on social media to keep up with the latest warfighting TTPs learned through the crucible that is the Joint Readiness Training Center.

Follow us by going to: https://linktr.ee/jrtc and then selecting your preferred podcast format.

Again, we’d like to thank our guests for participating. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and review us wherever you listen or watch your podcasts — and be sure to stay tuned for more in the near future.

“The Crucible – The JRTC Experience” is a product of the Joint Readiness Training Center.

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