Dr JP McMahon and Eoin Cluskey

Grilled by The Staff Canteen

16-04-2024 • 57 min

Welcome to Grilled by The Staff Canteen, this is season 6 and our next four episodes will be hosted by Michelin-starred Chef Dr. JP McMahon of Aniar Restaurant in Galway, Ireland.  JP is also founder of Food on the Edge, Blas Na Gaillimhe (A taste of Galway) and Cava Bodega restaurant.

In this episode of Grilled, JP talks to Eoin Cluskey.

Growing up in a bakery with his Nana at the helm, Eoin has never left behind the traditional methods used in making authentic, naturally leavened bread, as he continues to grow his own artisan bakery, Bread 41. Committed to aligning his business with the UN SDGs, Cluskey is currently working towards a zero-waste vision, with recent qualification as a Future Food ‘Climate Shaper’, he is determined to change the culture and perception of the industry. Never short of passion, he aims to achieve his mission of real bread in every home, the prioritisation what grows seasonally, locally, and sustainably.

Chef Dr. JP McMahon is a prominent figure in the culinary world, known for his expertise in both gastronomy and academia. Hailing from Ireland, McMahon's culinary journey began with a deep-seated passion for food. He underwent formal culinary training, honing his skills while immersing himself in the diverse culinary traditions of his homeland.

McMahon's academic pursuits led him to earn a doctoral degree, enhancing his culinary knowledge with a comprehensive understanding of food history and culture. Renowned for his innovative approach to Irish cuisine, McMahon celebrates the country's culinary heritage while continually pushing creative boundaries. His commitment to utilizing locally sourced, seasonal ingredients underscores his reverence for sustainable and ethical dining practices.

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