The 331 Empowerment Framework: Getting Employees to Make More Decisions with Gene Hammett

Growth Think Tank

28-11-2024 • 4 min

Have you ever wondered how other leaders are getting employees to make more decisions without waiting for your approval? In this episode, I share my 331 Empowerment Framework—a simple, actionable method for empowering your team and getting employees to make more decisions confidently and effectively. Leaders often struggle with delegation, but real growth happens when you trust your team to step up. I’ll break down the 331 framework and show how it fosters ownership, accountability, and faster decision-making. I'm Gene Hammett, an executive coach with over ten years of experience working with CEOs and their executive teams, and I’ve developed strategies like this to help you and your company grow. By getting employees to make more decisions, you create an empowered team that drives success while freeing you to focus on the big picture. Tune in to transform your leadership approach!

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