Shania Twain: The Best-Selling Female Country Artist of All Time on Harnessing the Power of Optimism

The Great Creators with Guy Raz

11-04-2023 • 58 min

Shania Twain is often referred to as the Queen of Country Pop. And rightfully so - she's sold over 100 million records, more than any female country artist in history. But before she was Shania Twain, she was Eileen Edwards from a small town in Ontario. In this episode, Shania talks with Guy about how she got her start singing at local bars before ascending to country music stardom in Nashville. And how, after almost losing her singing ability to Lyme disease, Shania is now back with a new album – Queen of Me.

Links from the show:

Young Shania on the Tommy Hunter Show

Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under

What Made You Say That music video

Shania at the Super Bowl Halftime Show

Giddy Up Music Video

Shania Twain Limelight Sessions

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