The Justice League meet their future counterparts the Justice Legion A, and are invited to the 853rd Century. However celebrations are cut short when Vandal Savage enacts a grand scheme that will cement him as future ruler and put millions of lives in jeopardy.
00:00 - DC One Million Issue 1
18:20 - Action Comics #1'000'000
26:45 - Shadow Of The Bat #1'000'000
34:06 - Nightwing #1'000'000
39:50 - Green Lantern #1'000'000
45:40 - Power Of Shazam #1'000'000
52:35 - Young Justice #1'000'000
1:01:20 - DC One Million Issue 2
1:09:44 - Batman #1'000'000
1:20:15 - Catwoman #1'000'000