Care Notes with Doug Wilber_Cherished Companions _ 22323


24-02-2023 • 44 min

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The podcast subject today is Institutional Care Versus Home Care.  Since COVID there has been an increasing interest and demand for Home Care Services.  Families separated from their loved ones have chosen to opt out of residential care when possible.  For some seniors without family residential living may be a choice, but studies show that as we age living out our days in our personal environment is a healthier option.   ."Cherished Companions Home Care was founded by Douglas Wilber to meet the growing need for care in our community. Doug’s goal is to create a company that provides unsurpassed compassionate care at an outstanding value, thus allowing more people to enjoy independence in the comfort of home. Cherishing people, and their need for independence, is at the very heart of Cherished Companions. We believe strongly in hiring only those who believe caregiving is a calling, not a job."

If you  would like to be a podcast host or guest please contact Karen at

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