Celia B: Injecting Fun Into Fashion Through Colour & Character

Tech Powered Luxury

12-02-2024 • 49 min

Celia B is the ultimate fashion all-rounder. Growing up in a small town in Spain, she pursued a degree in communications, gained experience within agencies, and eventually became a jewelry designer and finally, a fashion designer, a creative director and a tastemaker.

Celia B has managed to catapult her colourful fashion house into that much-coveted space of being an independent designer with full creative control, whilst building an engaged global community and her own in-house team across continents.

With a long list of celebrity fans and a primarily direct-to-consumer business, Celia takes us behind the scenes of her fashion brand, sharing how she went from working in advertising to running her international fashion label between Spain and Shanghai: Celia B. Tech Powered Luxury is proudly sponsored by FarmHouse Fresh.

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