Christopher Walch – SDWT

03-03-2019 • 35 min

This episode is all about Joko Wilink's and Leif Babin’s book "Extreme Ownership" which teaches us what successful and real leadership looks like in every aspect of life. So in this  SDWT / Self Development With Tactics episode I am dicussing, why ego is a leadership killer, why leader have to believe in what they wanna tell their team, why a bad team equals bad leadership, what you should do if you have a underperformer and why the leader is always the only one to be blamed.


I as always hope that you get a lot out of that!


Love you

➠Thank you for being with me! If you liked this episode of your daily self development kick please subscribe and like. Stay tuned for upcoming self development videos aaaaand comment down below or hit me up on the social media platform you like the most. Wish you the best, health wealth and happiness ❤️

Who I am?

I am Christopher Walch a 18 year old graphic design student from austria, really interested in marketing self Development and having success in every aspect of life❤️However I am not only interested in having the best for me! I want you to be at your peak as well. Giving value to the people out here is what I want and what I am able to do here! Thank you.

Self Development with Tactics/Christopher Walch on Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/walchchristopher

Self Development with Tactics'/Christopher Walch's Podcast:  https://www.anchor.fm/selfdevelopment_wt/

Self Development with Tactics/Christopher Walch on Twitter:  https://twitter.com/SelfTactics

Self Development with Tactics/Christopher Walch on Facebook:  www.facebook.com/Selfdevelopment-With-Tactics

Self Development with Tactics on Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/we-selfdevelopment

Self Development with Tactics/Christopher Walch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6ms9lq2XRrgdy0rOrMYVUQ

Self Development With Tactics/Christopher Walch on Quora:



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