Dr. Jack Kruse and Bill Gifford

Tetragrammaton with Rick Rubin

13-03-2024 • 2 h 20 min

Dr. Jack Kruse is a neurosurgeon who had an awakening in 2007 after suffering a torn meniscus. This led to his study of physics, light, magnetism, and electricity. He ultimately concluded that modern medicine lacked a deep understanding of how humans function in relation to the natural world. Kruse lost 150 lbs. using his newly acquired understanding. He is CEO of Kruse Longevity Center, a health and wellness company dedicated to helping patients avoid the healthcare burdens typically encountered with age. Bill Gifford is coauthor, with Peter Attia, of Outlive, a current New York Times bestseller. He is a veteran journalist and editor who has written extensively on science, sports, and fitness for Wired, Businessweek, Men's Health, Men's Journal, Slate, and The New Republic. He is also the author of books like Ledyard: In Search of the First American Explorer and Spring Chicken: Stay Young Forever (or Die Trying). ------ Thank you to the sponsors that fuel our podcast and our team: Squarespace https://squarespace.com/tetra ------ LMNT Electrolytes https://drinklmnt.com/tetra ------ House of Macadamias https://www.houseofmacadamias.com/tetra

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