THE IDDF PODCAST WITH CHUCK FREILICH & DANNY AYALON: Turkish earthquake: how ready would Israel be in a similar situation? Sec. Blinken's Israel visit and building in Judea and Samaria

The IDDF Podcast with Chuck Freilich and Benjamin Anthony

10-02-2023 • 1 hora 12 min

Episode 20 of the Israel Defense and Diplomacy Forum (IDDF) – with Prof. Chuck Freilich, former Israeli Deputy National Security Advisor, and Danny Ayalon, former Deputy Foreign Minister and Ambassador to Washington.

In this episode, Chuck and Danny begin with a discussion of their shared horror over the devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Syria and deepest sympathy for the people affected. They further discuss the IDF emergency search and rescue team dispatched to Turkey, whether it is likely to have an impact on Israeli-Turkish relations, and the fact that Israel itself, which is geologically “overdue” to be hit by a major earthquake, is woefully unprepared.

Sharp differences emerge as they turn to recent events in the Palestinian arena, the reasons for the ongoing conflict and potential resolutions. Although Chuck agrees with Danny that Palestinian rejectionism and terrorism have had a devastating impact on Israeli attitudes towards the peace process, he notes that one cannot ignore the similar impact that Israel’s settlement activities have had on the Palestinian side.

Both agree that Sec. Blinken’s recent visit to Israel was highly unusual, with the US expressing strong criticism of Israel in a number of crucial areas, including the planned judicial changes and impact on Israeli democracy. Whereas Danny is more confident, Chuck believes that Israel’s policies, both in regard to the Palestinians and now the planned judicial changes, threaten Israel’s fundamental character as a state and pose a threat to the future of the “special relationship”.

They also disagree over the ramifications of the new government’s policies on ties with Arab states, especially the Gulf states. Although Danny acknowledges problems with Jordan, he believes that the damage with the rest will not be significant. Chuck is far more concerned and believes that the relationship will likely be impaired significantly.

Join us as Chuck and Danny agree and disagree, in detail and in-depth, always respectfully, on the critical issues Israel faces.

The MirYam Institute. Israel's Future in Israel's Hands

The MirYam Institute. Israel's Future in Israel's Hands.

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