THE IDDF PODCAST WITH CHUCK FREILICH & DANNY AYALON: Yom Hashoah, Memorial Day for Fallen Soldiers and Yom Ha'atzmaut. What all these dates mean to Israelis and Jewish people

The IDDF Podcast with Chuck Freilich and Benjamin Anthony

21-04-2023 • 1 hora 9 min

Episode 25 of the Israel Defense and Diplomacy Forum (IDDF) – with Prof. Chuck Freilich, former Israeli Deputy National Security Advisor, and Danny Ayalon, former Deputy Foreign Minister and Ambassador to Washington.

In this special episode, spanning the week between Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) and Memorial Day for Fallen Soldiers, followed immediately by Israel’s 75th anniversary, Chuck and Danny discuss what these dramatically diverse dates mean for them.

Both agree fully on the importance of Holocaust remembrance and Danny describes a project underway at Yad Vashem that has already documented the names of five out of the 6 million.

When it comes to Memorial and Independence days, their views diverge. Chuck talks about how he has long awaited the 75th anniversary as an opportunity to celebrate Israel’s remarkable achievements, but that for the first time ever, following the domestic crisis in recent months over the “judicial reforms”, he will not be able to celebrate. Instead, it will be a day of solemn reflection for him.

For example, he would not participate in a memorial ceremony addressed by ministers such as Ben-Gvir and Smotrich, or the premier who has appointed them.

Danny believes that Memorial Day and the 75th anniversary should be an opportunity to begin the healing process, that we are all one people and must put our differences aside. While he shares many of Chuck’s concerns regarding the need to address critical issues such as relations between synagogue and state, the secular and ultra-Orthodox communities, Ashkenazim and Sepharadim and Jews and Arabs, as well as the Palestinian issue, he believes that it is now time for compromise and goodwill.

Chuck believes this is an opportunity that should not be wasted on platitudes and is a time for finally making real decisions on these critical issues.

Join us as Chuck and Danny agree and disagree, in detail and in-depth, always respectfully, on the critical issues Israel faces.

The MirYam Institute. Israel's Future in Israel's Hands.

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