Thought Thursdays: Simple Things

It's Always Sunny In The 6ix

18-06-2020 • 6 min

According to the National Science Foundation, an average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. Of those, 80% are negative and 95% are repetitive thoughts. I came across a voice memo I recorded for a thought I had before the onslaught of this lockdown and pandemic. The thought dissected the notion of being super present and appreciating the simplicities in our lives that we currently always take for granted.  A simple task yet we throw a veil on it. There will be a moment in life where you won't be able to enjoy riding a bike, dancing to music, having conversations etc.  Thought Thursdays will consist of short podcast episodes of random ideas and thoughts that I've had that I will share with you every here and again.  Stay tuned for Season 3 and one final episode of Season 2's 'Stay the Fuck Home'.