Looking for lasting love? Listen to dating expert, Dr. Holly Battey.

The Visible Kindness Podcast

26-08-2021 • 45 min

About Dr. Holly Battey

Dating and Relationship Expert, Speaker, Coach, and Image Consultant

Dr. Holly helps sincere, conscious single clients find the love of their dreams. With a doctorate in clinical psychology, she founded ‘Find Love at Last’ in 2014 to help sincere women and men find lasting love and has been a matchmaker, coach, and image consultant for over 9 years.

Working with sincere single men and women who are ready for love, she empowers you to manifest the partner and relationship of your dreams. Dr. Holly is a dating expert and inspiring speaker who empowers, advises, and speaks on image, strategy, online dating, partner suitability, communication, and commitment. She resides in San Francisco, California and works with clients around the world.

On This Episode

  • How Oprah Winfrey inspired Dr. Holly to take the path she's on to help singles find love.
  • How Dr. Holly helps expedite the path to finding true and lasting love.
  • What kind of inner work do we need to do to prepare ourselves to be in a relationship?
  • Common mistakes made by men that hinder their relationships with women.
  • Common mistakes made by women that hinder their relationships with men.
  • The elements that make a good formula for lasting love.
  • Typical responses we make to potential partners that don't help us.
  • Self-compassion is one of the most important practices most overlooked in preparing to be in a healthy relationship.
  • Why authenticity isn't necessarily the best thing when starting a new relationship.
  • The most common things that men and women lie about on their dating profiles.
  • The importance of learning how to be happy on your own.


Email: holly@findloveatlast.com

Website: https://www.findloveatlast.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/holly.battey.7/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/evanherrman/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/holly-battey-psyd-b3b39010/


Visible Kindness Website: https://www.visiblekindness.com

MeTooWhatNow Website: https://www.metoowhatnow.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/metoowhatnow

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrvoCb8aYfT8V6Qo53cs81A

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/visiblekindness/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/edsquire/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/metoowhatnow

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