They Sue the Government for Your Rights and Freedoms – With Lawyer Marty Moore (GT016)

The Govern...This!? Podcast

20-06-2021 • 1 hora 34 min

“Rights and Freedoms”… in Canada and throughout COVID?… We actually Do Have them! And Justice Centre Lawyer Marty Moore brings it all to light here.

This was a fun and really important conversation – and the urgency of becoming informed and aware becomes more evident as we cover such topics and issues as:

– The Canadian Constitution and State of Emergency
– Business Shutdowns and an Overreaching Government
– People being Condemned to be Left Alone and Stripped of all Personal Choice
– The Complete Dismantling of our Right to Protest, Freedom of the Press and Freedom of Expression
– Lockdowns, Vaccines and growing Peer Pressure, and Medical Freedoms
– Fighting for Freedom as a Canadian
– And how the Government CAN actually be sued if they don’t stay in their lane

It seems strange to talk about having to fight for freedoms in Canada in 2021, but it seems to be a real issue, and we need to snap out of our complacent and prideful ‘yes ma’am’ mentality and stand up to those who should be working for us instead of overlording, silencing, reprimanding and punishing us.

If you haven’t heard of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms you should really take some time to visit their website at and dig into all of their amazing resources: their ‘Two Minutes with the Justice Centre’ articles; their videos, podcasts, ebooks; and all the cases they’re involved with across Canada.

So check them out, it’s all very enlightening and encouraging! Like Marty said “Educating yourself is really key to being persuasive in conversations.” We can’t be passive any longer!

Well… Thanks for listening & Until next time… Stay Curious – CJ 🙂

*If you like what you hear and you think it’s important, please share it with as many people as you can… hopefully we can all become a little more aware and involved.*

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