Who Owns the Earth? & The Power of Grassroots Movements: Clayoquot Action

We Can Remake The World

28-02-2022 • 1 hora 18 min

Who decides what happens to land? To water? To wildlife? To trees? Is it governments who get to choose? Private owners? Should indigenous communities be involved? Do citizens have any right to determine how we treat the planet, locally and globally? Until now, corporations and governments have mostly determined what happens to the natural world and how, but after countless examples of neglect what is our best path forward? We're joined by Bonny Glambeck, campaigns director and co-founder of Clayoquot Action, a direct-action conservation organization on Canada's west coast. Bonny teaches us the history of her region where indigenous communities have joined together with activists several times to protect their lands. Canada's largest protest and civil disobedience action in history is happening here right now, where people on the ground are fighting to protect old-growth forests which are home to rare and precious rainforest ecosystems and many endangered species. Can we learn from their example to protect what matters for the health of our planet and ourselves before it's too late?

SUPPORT Bonny and Clayoquot Action: Learn more , donate, and get involved at https://clayoquotaction.org/.

CHALLENGE: Pick three issues you care about and find a grassroots organization doing work on those issues to learn more about. Choose to support those organizations in some way by donating, volunteering, or simply sharing their message.

TAKEAWAYS: 1: It's time to bring activism back to the forefront. 2: Communities coming together peacefully to advocate for their rights and the rights of others is the most powerful force for change on Earth. And the most successful. 3: It's time to get involved. If we aren't becoming activists we are missing an opportunity.

Visit www.wecanremaketheworld.com for more info and resources.

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