Bonus Ep. 44 - Writer Alex Grass Woken By Dr. Sleep

The Stephen King Podcast

15-11-2021 • 49 min

Welcome to bonus episode 44 of - The Stephen King Podcast - Constant and New Listeners!

Horror author - Alex Grass - tells how Stephen King's - Doctor Sleep - woke him up and was instrumental in changing his life.

This wake up call propelled Alex into writing his first horror novel - Black River Lantern. Have a listen and found out how all this came to be.

About The Author:

Born in Harrisburg, PA, Alexander Grass lived in Philadelphia, Israel, and a few other places before settling in Brooklyn with his wife and three kids.

Check out his website - Alex Grass - for details.

In this podcast:

1) Intro

2) Interview

3) Outro


Intro Music - Don't Fear The Reaper - Blue Oyster Cult

Outro Music - Stand by Me by Ben E. King


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