Retro Blood 26: Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn

Retro Blood

11-04-2022 • 1 hora 51 min

Welcome back to the Retro Blood as we continue our talk on Demon Possession Horror with our review of "EVIL DEAD 2 Dead by Dawn".

James Cline and J.A Alison are back talking all about our favorite things to talk about Metal, Pro Wrestling and Horror movies.

This episode we get into what was going on around the release date of Evil Dead 2 on March 13, 1987.

But first we give our thoughts on Wrestlemania night 2 from 2022 Wrestlemania with thoughts on all the matches and discussion on new talents being on live TV to soon in wrestling.

Then we get into some BLACK METAL with talk on Bathory and their Album " Under the Sign of the Black Mark" release date May 1987. Talk on some of the track listing names and the Album cover and what they meant to Black metal.

Then we talk 80's pro wrestling with a story line for the ages the story of "LORD HUMONGOUS".

Then we grab a chainsaw and get the tape recorder out and relax in a hard to get to cabin and talk all about Evil dead 2. We talk backstory on the film, some production notes, some interesting people who work on the film and more. We also do a full breakdown of the movie with thoughts on each scene. So after you find your dad pages from a book that's made of human flesh and blood come join us on this very exciting edition of Retro Blood... Evil Dead 2.

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