Dr. Karen Postal

Giant Steps

25-12-2020 • 30 min

Dr. Karen Postal is a past president of the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology and a clinical instructor at Harvard Medical school. Her research focuses on improving communication about neuroscience with patients and the general public. She is the author of Feedback That Sticks:  The Art of Communicating Neuropsychological Assessment Results and most recently, Testimony That Sticks: The Art of Communicating Psychology and Neuropsychology to Jurors. Dr. Postal has a private practice dedicated to helping people think better in school, at work, and throughout later life.

The real bio:

Karen Postal is a bit of a workaholic.  She has two teenage sons and a 12-year-old daughter who is setting the world on fire. She loves to run and recently took up the drums.


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