Episode 240 - (Season 7, Episode 8) - Sleep

The Boom Real Estate Podcast

31-10-2022 • 37 min

Episode 240 (Season 7, Episode 8)


It’s hard to believe, but even though our research has found that people choose to sleep through the Boom Real Estate Podcast, they have yet to truly understand the value that the podcast brings.

That’s right—sleep is the forgotten walnut in the Productivity Forest. We don’t know what that means, but we dreamt it while performing the very the topic of this podcast—Sleep!

With that in mind—and assuming that you don’t have a walnut allergy—it’s time to embrace sleep as a practice. That’s right—it’s time understand the importance of sleep, along with why it should be part of your upcoming business planning!

Put on your sleep mask and let the ever-calming voices of the Boom Team take you deep, then deeper, into a restful slumber that you’ve so deservingly…deserved! Now, calm yourself. Shhhhhhhh…


  • Producer Christian has one, singularly strong ab [1:45]
  • An arm wrestler shows off the very distinct difference in his arms [4:47]
  • The Excited Train Dude makes a comeback! [7:30]
  • Why sleep matters [9:14]
  • Sleep reduces your fat! [9:51]
  • What are your telltale signs that you haven’t received enough sleep? [11:41]
  • Terry hates kids [14:03]
  • Terry hates “sleep hygiene” [16:59]
  • Sleep tip - Shower 90 minutes before you go to bed [18:57]
  • Sleep tip - Megan loves the “Nappacino”! [21:11]
  • Terry uses a sleep tracker that has proven that the blue blocker glasses are incredibly effective [24:23]
  • Producer Christian may or may not be a “professional cuddler” [26:45]
  • The Boom Dating Game! [27:40]
  • Megan doesn’t know what side Todd sleeps on [29:37]
  • What’s the weirdest way for a couple to sleep? [31:21]
  • Fun Facts about sleep [33:21]
  • The Team uncomfortably ventures into vibrating beds [35:33]
  • If the dolphins can sleep, so can we!!! [36:20]



Email: info@boomrealestatepodcast.com

Web: www.boomrealestatepodcast.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/boomrealestatepodcast

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt1P-rEDZ1h2UYT20EN4mYQ

30-Day Jumpstart: www.Boom30.com

Coronavirus Playbook: www.BoomPlaybook.com

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