Back to Our Swanky Roots


20-04-2022 • 22 min

In honor of Small Business Week--May 2nd through the 6th--we want to highlight some of our outstanding local businesses. This week we sat down with Veronnaka Evenson with Swanky Roots to talk about their very unique process.

Swanky Roots

Small Business Appreciation Week

Marya and Jack's answers to this week's Rorschach questions:

1. What has been inspiring or motivating for you recently?

Marya: My daughter who is studying abroad in South Korea. She is tackling new challenges every day and her attitude and fortitude keep me inspired.

Jack: I got the opportunity recently to meet one of my intellectual heroes, Chuck Marohn and heard him speak twice while he was here in Billings. I got really fired up to try to make Billings a stronger town, as Chuck would say.

2. What’s your favorite way to eat greens?

Marya: In a great big salad! I also love eating kale in soup.

Jack: I genuinely really enjoy salads. They're such an underrated food, but when I go out to eat, I usually find myself wanting a steak salad instead of just a steak!

3. What is your favorite thing about Billings?

Marya: The undaunted spirit of the people who live here. It’s contagious and inspiring for the future growth and development of our city. I love that.

Jack: I love that we're taking a really solid foundation and building something even better on it. When we compare ourselves to larger, more famous cities, we see that we have a long way to go, but if you compare Billings to midwestern cities of similar size, we're actually pretty far ahead.

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