Navigating a Turnaround into Growth by Building a Strong, Committed Team with Gladys Kong at Azira

Growth Think Tank

05-12-2024 • 24 min

In this episode, I sit down with Gladys Kong, CEO of Azira, to discuss Navigating a Turnaround and transforming challenges into opportunities for growth by building a strong, committed team. Ranked #289 on the SAAS 1000 list for 2024, Azira has become a testament to the power of resilience and leadership in driving change. We delve into Gladys' proven strategies for Navigating a Turnaround, including fostering a culture of trust, collaboration, and accountability. She shares actionable insights on how leaders can inspire their teams to rally behind a shared vision for success. Tune in to learn how Navigating a Turnaround with a dedicated team can unlock growth and long-term impact.

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