Ep. 268 - [Malaysia] An Overview of the Malaysian Food Industry with Sew Chang Chew, Head of R&D of Hybrid Allied Dairy

My Food Job Rocks!

04-01-2023 • 52 min

Today we’re interviewing Sew Chang Chew, Head of R and D at Hybrid Dairy Alliance, a new business that focuses on dairy manufacturing.

Welcome to Malaysia! This is the first interview I did hours after I landed.

I actually met Sew 9 years ago at IFT when our colleges were both competing in a product development competition. I believe it was Developing Solutions for Developing Countries.

Sew has a lot to say about the food industry in Malaysia and gives a good introduction to what the food is really about. Not just industry, but he describes food really well.

I think what’s great to take away from this interview is the point of view. What’s amazing about traveling to all of these countries and interviewing everyone is you get to see not only the differences but the similarities between what’s going on and Sew highlights a lot of challenges that I feel I’ve faced in my career.

You’re also going to get a lot of practical advice! Sew is essentially a manager and gives some good tips on how to teach and motivate your employees! His advice is very simple, and methodical.

I never realized how similar I was with Sew, we both have worked many jobs, around 2-year stints, and he himself traveled the world.

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