Eps 013: From Escaping a Sociopathic Boss to Eco Architect with Jane Leach

She Leads Business

14-10-2022 • 1 hora 10 min

In this episode, I chat with Jane Leach of I-Architect. We look at topics such as the impact of early trauma and environments, bullying at school and work, the weight of expectations, choosing the career path that works for you, the power of networking, where and how to communicate your Market dominating positioning and the impact of gaps in the sales process on your business.

Jane works mainly with eco-conscious home owners and she helps them to extend and improve their homes, so they can live eco-friendly lives with more ease and pleasure.

Find Jane here: https://www.i-architect.co.uk/contact.html

Your host Úna Doyle is the founder of CreativeFlow.tv - a speaker, business strategist and impact coach. Business owners (male and female) hire Úna to help them to build a business they could sell tomorrow, but probably don't want to because it's highly profitable, fun-to-run because they and team members are in creative flow, and they get to make a bigger impact.

In every episode, Úna and her guests share strategies, stories and wisdom to help you achieve your goals too.


Five steps proven to double your profits.

Click here to double your profits! https://www.creativeflow.tv/5-step-proven-profit-formula-for-doubling-your-profits-training/

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Mentioned in this episode:

She Leads Business Season 2 - Introduction

She Leads Business Season 2 - Outro

Book your FREE Breakthrough call With Úna

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