121: Progressing or Regressing?

Bucky Rants

29-07-2021 • 9 min

So what direction are you going in? Are you progressing, regressing, or standing still? There are no other options, you must be doing one of the three and you could be doing different ones in different places in your life.  Are you living like you're dying? Progressing or regressing?

You should be aware of how you are progressing or regressing in each part of your life. Think about it- Your business, your family, your health, your own life, what direction are you moving in? Assess yourself, your life, your business, and anything else that's important you to and decide what direction you're going in. If you're doing tasks that you hate, that drain you, you need to hire someone else to do that task. If you can't afford to do that, find a way to make that happen because it will make you more money in the long run. There's a difference between being active and actually being effective. Make sure you're being effective and not just shuffling papers from the left side of your desk to the right. You need something, some passion in your life that you can get better at every day. If you don't know what that is, find it. Keep looking until you find it, and when you do reach out to the Buckster and tell me what it is, I want to tell the world.

Click here to get your free chapter of Bucky's book "I HATE EVERYONE, but you...of course!" just do it, it's free.

Connect with Bucky Haighte:

Facebook: facebook.com/bkyh8

Instagram: @BKYH8

Twitter: @BKYH8

Website: bkyh8.com

Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You're the expert. Your podcast will prove it.

Don’t be an idiot and try to copy or use my stuff in any form without proper and legal permission. Be original for once. It’s called “Intellectual Property” for a reason. Use your intellect (i.e. brain) and don’t get your ass kicked by my team of lawyers. Peace out my “not-friend.”

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