That's Personal: How a Marketplace Model is Challenging the Norm for the Aged and Disability Care Industry

Unconventional Business

23-11-2021 • 25 min

Ever wondered just how the aged care and disability services industry actually works? Well, this episode's for you! Like many developed countries, Australia has an ageing population. Today, there are around 3 million Aussies who are aged 70 and older, and just under half a million people living with a disability who access support services through the National Disability Insurance Scheme. Together, older people and people with disabilities who live in their own homes, with care and support, represent a significant proportion of our country and our community. With a sizeable number of people accessing these types of services and a huge number of businesses operating in this space, why is the aged and disability care industry lagging behind when it comes to being truly consumer-first and delivering an exceptional customer experience? This week, we're joined by Mable's Chief Operating Officer, Rachel Debeck, for a behind-the-scenes look into the aged and disability care industry, an industry under immense pressure to both evolve and meet the increasing needs of our population. We take a look at the systemic challenges that exist in the industry, gain an understanding of how complex the customer journey is and discuss why disruption hasn't occurred sooner. We also explore the new, alternative model that Mable offers, a model that leverages a peer-to-peer marketplace to solve workforce shortages while also putting choice and control back into the consumer's hands.

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