53: Get Prosperity Thinking Working for Your Coaching Business

Prosperous Coach Podcast

26-11-2019 • 12 min

This is the first episode in the new series called Money Mastery. In this series I’ll dig into pricing strategies, revenue planning and liberally sprinkle in money mindsets and prosperity thinking, which make all the difference in attracting coaching clients who pay well.

>>> The full transcript for this episode can be found at prosperouscoach.com/53

After all, success is part mindset, part strategy and part right action.

First for a bit of gratitude …

Prosperous Coach Podcast has just hit 20,000 downloads and that’s because you have been generously passing forward this podcast to your coach friends and colleagues. Thank you!

Every day I hear from another coach how much this podcast has meant to them and I feel so grateful. That fills me with joy.

Speaking of gratitude … are YOU feeling it?

I ask because I’ve seen a direct relationship to gratitude and financial success for coaches. For one thing, gratitude is attractive in the most literal sense of the word.

And it goes both ways. When you’re grateful, you feel better. When you feel better, other people feel better. It’s a beautiful circle.

Attitude and Practice

You’ve heard of an attitude of gratitude.

Gratitude isn’t just an attitude. It’s a practice that goes beyond counting your blessings. Although, naming what you’re grateful for is the centerpiece of prosperity.

Not many people know this, I started my coaching business as a spiritual coach and prosperity building was my focus. No wonder I branded my company Prosperous Coach.

I ended up helping coaches choose a profitable niche and launch their business with confidence because I found myself surrounded by coaches who wanted my help to get their business models set up powerfully.

Well, how did that happen? The usual way. Angels and Surprises.

In my 3rd year of coaching I was on the board of the Denver Coach Federation and the President at that time, Will Craig, was starting a coach training company called Coach Training Alliance.

He invited me to be a trainer and after a year asked me to help him rewrite the curriculum and design a Certified Coach Program.

Talk about gratitude. If not for Will, the opportunity he gave me, and his trust in me I’m not sure I’d still be in business.

Will, if you’re listening, I love you, man. Our partnership has taken me places and brought me in connection with more wonderful people than I ever dreamed possible. I mean who knew?

What’s wonderful is Coach Training Alliance is still going strong 18 years later. They’re still using my curriculum and certification program. And many of the trainers are the original bunch of the best coaches I know.

Do you ever wonder what opportunities might be around the corner for you? What angels — real people — will show up and give you grace?

Anyone you meet could be that person for you. Any opportunity you have could be one that catapults you to a better place. In fact, this happens every day.

So, one powerful gratitude practice is to be grateful for ALL of your connections. Even the ones that don’t feel great.

Here are some other gratit

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