Episode 003: Should I Move in Retirement?

Retirement Reimagined

16-06-2022 • 16 min

Moving in retirement should mean more money in your pocket, more time enjoying what you love, and more beautiful sights to see...

However, many folks regret the move just a few months in…

Why? Because their assumptions were all off. They end up financially stressed, homesick or lonely at a time when they should relax.

Luckily with a simple framework, you can avoid the common pitfalls that come with retiring at the wrong place.

Listen now to discover four major considerations that’ll help you ensure that you're making the perfect move for your golden years.

Show Highlights Include:

  • Three important considerations to find your dream destination for your golden years (2:49)
  • Why moving for financial considerations can backfire and cost you more money ( and how to avoid unpleasant surprises) (4:18)
  • Four deal-breaking aspects many people who regret the move ignore when they do a price comparison  (5:12)
  • Why the lowest cost of living states are not attractive for retirees (even though their climate is great) (7:22)
  • The number one mistake most retirees make when they relocate (and how you can avoid it before it costs you a boatload of money and bitter regret) (9:16)

Thinking about what your typical week in retirement will look like? Download our Ideal Week in Retirement planner.

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