Eps 011: Spreading Yourself Too Thin with Angel Latterell

She Leads Business

30-09-2022 • 56 min

In this episode, I speak with Angel Latterell from ''Latterell Law'' and ''I can help with that'' We dive into topics such as spreading yourself too thin and over-giving, charging appropriately, flow, time bundling, context switching and what really sets you free in your business.

Angel has a unique approach to how she runs her business. She is passionate about personal development and uses meditation to help her improve as a business owner.

In her law practice Angel is a trusted advisor who empowers you as an individual to live an abundant and joyful life.

As a Spiritual Guide, Angel works with tested and proven ancient practices to help people to tap into their purpose, release negative patterns and get out of their own way.

Connect with Angel:

Your Host:

Your host Úna Doyle is the founder of CreativeFlow.tv - a speaker, business strategist and impact coach. Business owners (male and female) hire Úna to help them to build a business they could sell tomorrow, but probably don't want to because it's highly profitable, fun-to-run because they and team members are in creative flow, and they get to make a bigger impact.

In every episode, Úna and her guests share strategies, stories and wisdom to help you achieve your goals too.

Who do you know that could be a great guest on this podcast?

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If you'd like to discuss your business, goals and challenges, then Book your FREE Breakthrough call With Úna

PS Please excuse my audio being not quite as good as usual. It’s because my mic was turned the wrong way and I didn’t realise… #onlyhuman

Mentioned in this episode:

She Leads Business Season 2 - Outro

Book your FREE Breakthrough call With Úna

She Leads Business Season 2 - Introduction

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