EP36 - Navigating your Creative Blocks & Breakthroughs -- with Yan Palmer

An Unscripted Podcast for Photographers

19-07-2023 • 1 hora 18 min

Yan’s photos vibrate with a certain aliveness that is hard to put into words. Yan, herself, is hard to put into words. But she describes herself as, first and foremost, a poet. She creates poems with words, she captures poetry with her camera, and she weaves poetry through her life. Today, we talk about the slippery and fickle beast that is creativity. As photographers, so many of us have grappled with the feeling of being in a creative rut and it can be a lonely world in there. But as tempting as it might be to crawl into bed until our muse has come back to us, there are actual things you can do to generate creative flow states for yourself and lure your muse back to you. In this episode, we talk about how to navigate creative blocks, what it means to deepen the magnetism of your art, and how to move forward with confidence and courage.








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