What School Doesn't Teach You with Christopher Corona

Thriving in Construction with Patricia Bonilla

13-07-2022 • 39 min

Do you believe there are things in life that school missed to teach us? Actually, there are plenty of them, and they are not just random things but essential life skills.

To give you an example, time management. Did your school teach you how to organize your life better that would result in a tremendous saving of hours of extra work, procrastination, and overall stress for your whole life?

Another thing is finance. Okay, we have accounting courses, but there is no specific specialty regarding budgeting, saving, credit, banking, investing, and frugality. The list would go on and on and on.

Our guest in Season 03, Episode 04 of Thriving in Construction, The Podcast, is Christopher Corona, Lunacon's Assistant Project Manager. He had a plan for going undergrad in Mechanical Engineering, and if the plan went well, he'd continue his study. He thought of maybe getting into a contract or something like that for construction.

But everything changed when he started to do an internship for her mother's company, where he worked as a plumbing contractor throughout South Florida. He realized that one of the biggest lessons he learned is that almost all of his skills and background came from that internship, from what his team did, and all the mistakes that taught them. And the rest is history.

What You'll Learn from this Episode:

  • How to better understand what will happen in the field than merely seeing a piece of paper in academics.
  • Why communication is vital in the construction industry.
  • How to resolve conflicts in the construction space relating to documentation.
  • The significance of being proactive
  • What you’ll learn from life itself that is not taught in school.
  • You’ll also learn that school imparts us with thoughts, honor, and fame, but experience will impart us with lessons we need in order to succeed in this journey of life.

Connect with Christopher Corona on LinkedIn

Connect with Patricia Bonilla on LinkedIn and learn more about Lunacon Construction Group

Contact Lunacon Construction Group on LinkedIn

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